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MCPE/Bedrock Better Shadow

Illustrious Member Admin

Better Shadow

Have you ever wanted every block in your Minecraft world to have a shadow underneath? if so then you will definitely love this resource pack! This is a simple resource that can make each block have a shadow under it and make minecraft look more real. There are 3 types in this resource pack so you can choose what you want!


These are some screenshots

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

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1. Click on "Free access with ads"

2. Wait 10 Seconds

3. Click "x"

4. Download and Install

5. Enjoy! 🙂

This RP will be updated soon, so please follow me on Instagram/ Twitter @anuGrahbodi123, I will notice you on those platforms when I have updated it.


Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2022 10:25 am