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MCPE/Bedrock Better Tameable Fox

Illustrious Member Admin

Better Tameable Fox


Have you always wanted a tameable fox that can follow you around and be loyal to you? Have you always wanted a fox that sits and stays when you tell it to? Well me too and luckily I’m here to grant your wishes.



So I’ve been working on this tameable fox mod for the last couple of weeks and finally here is the final product!

What is changed?

You can tame wild foxes with sweet berries still but if you want to breed them or make the babies grow up, you must give them: chicken/cooked chicken, rabbit/cooked rabbit, cod/cooked cod or salmon/cooked salmon. It can still attack mobs that attack you. It is afraid of polar bears, wild wolves and tamed wolves when it is wild but it is NOT afraid of wild wolves nor tamed wolves when it is tamed though it still is afraid of polar bears. It is scared of you and the other players when it is wild and panics when you come near it (if you are not sneaking) but when it is tamed, it is not scared of the owner or the other players.


Their behavior is pretty much the same as the vanilla fox but just with a little tweak that makes them tameable and friendly. They sleep/seek shadows in the morning and seek shelters during thunderstorms as usual if you are near them but if you aren’t they prioritize following you instead. The tamed fox will stay if you tell it to and will follow you when you tell it to. It is like a tamed wolf behavior but with added feature, for example: they still pick up stuff from the ground and can use it if it is a weapon/enchanted weapons with the enchantments (like fire aspect in swords for instance) or consume it if it is food or be revived if it had a totem of undying in it’s mouth. They stay active at night and still like to hunt chicken, rabbits, cod and salmon (depending on the color. If it is the orange one it will prefer rabbits and chicken over fish and vice versa if it is an arctic fox) regardless if they are tamed or wild. They are a really good companion if you don’t want to have a wolf and want to have a fox instead and you won’t have to compromise anymore or be worried that the trusting fox will run away from you again. Note that the fox will not attack mobs that attack it, it will run away and panic so you will have to protect it and keep an eye on it.

How to tame it:

So to tame it you will need sweet berries and hold it in your hand as you see the fox sneaking your way to take the sweet berries, as he comes closer right click to tame it as you would do with a cat.


It will sit and stay on demand like a wolf and a cat and It will follow you around wherever you go.


It defends you from any mob that attacks you and will not leave it. It kills the mob that hurt you.

How to breed foxes:

In order to breed two foxes, you must have two tamed foxes and cannot tame two wild/untamed foxes anymore. To breed them you will need one of these:




Cooked Chicken


Cooked Rabbit


Cooked Cod


Cooked Salmon

They still attack chickens, rabbits and fish whenever they have the chance. They will attack if they are tamed or wild so they will attack anyways.


They still attack chickens, rabbits and fish whenever they have the chance. They will attack if they are tamed or wild so they will attack anyways.

Please be free to report any bugs or whatever you guys find and I will try to fix it as fast as I can. And you guys are more than welcome to give me your ideas obviously 🙂 Enjoy the addon!

creator: Dirani2


It works now, it must have been a bug when I decompressed the files to a zip or something


Topic starter Posted : 12/01/2021 11:29 am