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BetterMusic 1.3.2 - Custom Music!
This pack changes the way music is going to play & offers you multiple pack options. No terribly long silence, old music & even custom music. Now enjoy your time! :3
- Dog plays after Cat for all pack options
- Pack Options:
- No Music
- -Music won't play automatically
- Old Music
- -Survival music can play in creative
- -Old music only
- New Music | Aquatic - Wild Update
- -Old music disabled
- Except of creative & menu music! There's no "new" creative music
- Legacy | Console Edition Music
- -No survival music is going to play in creative
- -Old music only
- Legacy+ | Legacy + Additional
- -No survival music is going to play in creative
- -Old music only
- -Additional music (such as menu5, creative7 etc.)
- Creative Only
- -Only creative music is going to play, menu music is not affected!
- Survival Only
- -Only survival music is going to play, menu music is not affected!
- Constant Music
- -Just constant music
- -Increased Jukebox Radius (256)
- Custom Music | 1-100, 1-50, 51-100
- Only OGG supported, convert your files here:
- Do not add .ogg by renaming a file, you can't change the file format by renaming a file! :p
- Files should look like this:
- custom<number> (up to 100)
- Example: custom1, custom2, custom3 (custom1.ogg)
- Files should be inside this folder:
- sounds/music/game/creative
- Any problems? Just comment & I'll help

- Supports 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19
- BetterMusicLegacy is basically just the Legacy Edition pack option, no subpacks.
- BetterMusicCustom is just Custom Music + additional pack options.
- Music Collection is recommended if you want Custom Music
- Try out my BetterJukebox pack if you want to change the Jukebox radius & have custom music discs. Make sure BetterJukebox is above BetterMusic.
- You have to restart your game after enabling this pack / changing pack settings & make sure it's above other packs if it's not working. If you update BetterMusic, you'll have to move custom music files to the new version of this pack (unless "Music Collection" is used).
- Download via Mediafire
- Fixed broken downloads
- BetterMusic | v1.3.2
- New pack option, No Music (Music won't play automatically)
- Removed unnecessary .json files
- Tracklist.txt for more information, if you're interested :3
- BetterMusicCustom | v1.3.2
- Removed unnecessary .json files
- Check out my BetterJukebox pack if you want to have custom music discs! ^^
- Music Collection | v1.0.0
- Store your music here, compatible with BetterMusic / BetterMusicCustom / BetterJukebox
- File location:
- sounds/music/game/creative
creator: YourPersonalApplePie / AniDx
Topic starter Posted : 11/10/2021 9:39 am
Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2022 6:30 pm