Boggers' Resource/Texture Pack
So basically I was messing stuff with Minecraft texture pack files, and decided to make my own for my survival world, and now decided to share it with you guys.
A clear introduction to my texture pack.
If it doesn't work, just use this link:
Main Menu:
So once you added the RP in your global resources, it should look like this:


Worlds, friends, and servers:

Generating a world:

And the moment you're waiting for, in game textures!:

First thing you'll see is that i retexture the controls(which took way too long), and i also retextured netherite armor and tools, same as the trident and shield with the same color of the netherite items. And i also replaced totem of undying to a megumin staff. (dont ask why.)and why are you seeing amogus on the screen? Well it's because I may have retextured the pumpkin blur too.
This is what happens if you get effected with these potions:
Absorption(with armor icon):

Wither(with damaged hp):


Hunger(with low hunger bar)



This is for all of the people who love the color blue! Probably.. So I retextured the netherite armor, tools, blocks, items, and also the icons.

So, i did the same as the cobalt retexture, i also did retexture the icons, i just forgot to show it.
No Item Retexture:
It is just my normal texture pack, just without the netherite retextures.
Well that's it for the pictures, thats all i can show, but there is more than that.
This texture pack is currently on beta testing, so expect bugs! And reporting bugs helps!
If you want to change your subpacks to cobalt, etc, go in your Global Resources, select the pack and tap the gear icon

Oh and if you are going to use my texture pack assets for your own resource pack, do tell me on discord(or just in the comments..) Boggers#4075
Want to submit a custom background?
This texture pack still hasn't have any custom background, and its your chance to upload one in my discord server! Just join my server and you can submit and vote a background that's going to be added on the next update, you can hang out, and submit bugs!:
• Added an introduction video
• Changed some other pictures
•Added the discord server back
Upcoming Updates
•Custom Main Menu Background
•Custom Sky
How to add texture pack to minecraft?
Well it is really simple, first download your texture pack file, open your file manager (file manager plus recommended), go to downloads, then find this(or just search the name on the picture):

Then, tap and hold it, then just rename it, and get rid of the .zip, (You have to do this on every texture pack you download!), And it must look like this:

Then, tap it, and choose minecraft! Easy! I might make a video soon on how to download pack idk