Visible Realm Settings and Bonus Options
These resource packs contain several tweaks to different user interfaces. You can hide your coordinates to take screenshots of your builds without cropping them, keep specific screens on when you are attacked in survival mode, export a structure on Android or iOS, instantly make a creative mode world, see your coordinates when you die, or find the seed of a realm you plat on.
There is a total of 9 different packs
Visible realm settings
Shows the world settings and seed on a realm. Since this enables realm world settings, it also adds to the regular settings screen...

No Automatic screen closing
Prevents menus like inventory, chest, chat, and sign editing from closing when you take damage.
Chat Message Tweaks
Changes transparency level for chat messages and the chat menu and shortens how long the messages are displayed in the HUD screen

Export world buttons + copyable seed
Enables export world and export structure for mobile players and allows you to select the seed in world settings to copy.
To select the seed and copy it, do the following
- Keyboard users: click the text box, then use CONTROL+A and CONTROL+C
- Mobile users: use an app like G Board to select text and copy

Quick play and Add server button unlocked for console
This pack adds quick play button, import world button, and should be able to unlock the add server button for people who play on Xbox, Nintendo switch, ps4, etc. For players using the new Minecraft Preview which replaces this screen, it may not work.

Death Screen Coordinates
Never lose your death point again with this! Requires screen animations to be turned on in video settings.
Note: other screen animations are affected by this due to limitations

Disable coordinates
Changes "Position: x, y, z" to "Off" and makes the black box transparent

Disable vignette
Turns off the vignette that appears when fancy graphics are enabled

Small Stack Count
Shrinks the text for the item stack count. Also works in pocket UI and any screen that shows item stacking

New changes:
- Changed linkvertise to boostellar and organized the downloads in a folder so people can download individual packs without installing everything at once.
Previous update:
- Added several new features and split them into 9 different packs.
- All of these packs should work for any game version of 1.16 and above, but I tagged this as supported for 1.19 anyways
Linkvertise download instructions:
- Complete captcha if required
- Press "free access with ads"
- Close the discover interesting articles window
- If there is an app download, reload the page
- You should see "free access" instead of "free access with ads", Pressing that button redirects to a Mediafire page