Do u ever be in situation like this “where is this hopper/observer facing?” or “is this a sticky piston/dropper or a piston/dispenser?”, let there be no more. cuz this pack eliminate all of those issue. not only that, this pack also has smooth texture for redstone dust.
BTRedstone comes with a lot feature including:
1. directional hopper that u can see from all sideThe texture when it got powered
2. Indicator that helps u differentiate between sticky piston and piston
the left one is piston and the right one is sticky piston.
3. directional observer that u can see from all sideactually theres a texture too when it got powered but i could’nt catch it.
4. indicator that helps u differentiate between dispenser and dropperits hard to see it but it still possible. the left one is dispenser that has round shape on top. the right one is dropper that has square shape on top.
5. smooth redstoneif u don’t like it u can switch it back to the classic texture in subpacks.
If u have any suggestion or bug let me know in comment example :
- Bug : ____
- Suggestion :
Separated Pack coming soon 🙂
- Change the link from adfocus to bitly for easier download
- Search the file in your file manager app.
- Run the file
- It will imported to minecraft automatically
- Search the file in your file manager app
- Change the .mcpack to .zip
- Extract the file
- Cut the folder into games/com.mojang/resource_packs
- Have fun
creator: Void988