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MCPE/Bedrock Chrome Universe

Illustrious Member Admin

Chrome Universe

Chrome Universe is a resource pack that turns every single block into a perfect mirror! Blocks will appear correctly in the inventory, but will turn into a mirror when placed down. Try and see if you can beat the game with this resource pack activated through the entire playthrough!


Chrome Universe keeps the vanilla textures of blocks when they are held, but turns them all into perfect mirrors when they are placed down!


Through working off of the textures featured in Defined PBR, Chrome Universe is able to retain all emissive surfaces on blocks!

More Screenshots!

This pack will not work if you do not meet the following requirements:

Minecraft version 1.16.200+ on Windows 10

An Intel Core i5 or better

A Ray Tracing capable graphics card (Nvidia RTX 2000+ or AMD RX 6000+)

At least 8GB of RAM


Leave your suggestions for the pack down below!

If you would like to learn how you could make an RTX resource pack yourself or just discuss RTX with other PBR resource pack creators then I recommend joining the Minecraft RTX discord server! You can join through this link:


To get to the final download links, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click "Free Access with Ads"
  2. Click "Discover interesting articles"
  3. Close the popup window after 5 seconds
  4. Click "Continue" and you will be redirected straight to the mediafire download page!

Utilizing link services such as Linkvertise allows you to support me and my current and upcoming projects just by simply viewing a few ads for 5 seconds before downloading my content.

To install and update the pack in game, just double click the new .mcpack file to have it automatically import into your resource packs. You can then apply the pack to your global resources and use it wherever you like!


Topic starter Posted : 20/09/2021 9:21 am