Corrupt Warden Add-on
Hello people have you ever wanted to have a new warden stronger faster and with better skills? because this addon adds a new boss.
It will come in a spawn egg and has warden behaviors and can interact with the blocks from the new update.
Corrupt Warden

He has 800 health and is very fast in movement and in attack he can interact with the blocks of the new update.

This warden comes from the nether and is immune to fire. He can kill a golem in 3 hits compared to the common warden that kills him in 4 hits.

This one is also blind and has to sniff to attack the opponent and when he is wounded from above he still has the power to launch the lightning that comes out of his belly.
(Activate the game mode in experimental otherwise it will not work well.)
1.- Download the package.
2.- Import behaviors and resources.
3.-Enjoy the plugin.
creator: Justile mods