Crewmate Striders
If you’re a fan of the recently popular game ‘among us’ and you’re if you’re reading this then it means if you’re a fan of among us aswell. This resource pack aims to make one of minecraft’s newest mobs a crewmate since they’re both a similar model with a head and two legs.
When you download and install the pack, you’re gonna wonder how to use the different colors of the crewmates on the striders, sadly you can only use two at a time with both being the normal and chilly strider texture. You can switch between the subpacks by pressing the settings button and sliding through the options. Due to bedrock edition’s recent update with renderdragon, you can now switch subpacks without restarting minecraft, or atleast for me. If it doesn’t work then just restart minecraft and see.
These are images of them ingame and in their natural habitat, you can use this for videos, realms, multiplayer or whatever you like.
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