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Custom Tridents | New Textures
Custom tridents for minecraft bedrock! Over 26 different variations mostly inspired by Minecraft Dungeons, each with their own custom sounds.
This pack adds different variations for Minecraft tridents, from simple spears to huge hammers.

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Discord: RenKo#2296
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- This pack does not cause lag, so don't worry about that.
- This is a texture pack, not an add-on or mod, so you can use it on server, realms or survival worlds without any problem.
- The pack includes the complete information of the pack on it (some things were not shown here) with all the implementations info. Just click on "how to play" button.
- You can change the variant of the trident by clicking on the gear icon in the world settings in the textures section.
•Terms of Use:
What you can do:
- Showcase this texture pack in any video as long as I RenKo am credited properly with this link or Linkversite link.
- You can modify this texture pack for Private use.
- Share this texture pack using this link.
What you can't do:
- Claim this pack as yours.
- Steal the code for any addon or texture pack.
- Modify the pack for Public use.
- Upload it on any third party side.
- Showcase or use the pack without proper credits.
- Use mediafire or direct link to the download.
If you break I will take measures for this, I won't care about anything, I'll just do what I have to do.
Main Changes:
- Added 7 new variants
- Added scythes
- Added Iron Hammer
- Added Golden Hammer
- Added Diamond Hammer
- Item texture improved (in hotbar)
- All tridents were redesigned
Other Changes:
- 1.19.73 Support
How to install?
1.Install the texture pack.
2.Go to "downloads" folder and find the pack you install.
3. Double click "Custom Tridents 1.0.3.mcpack" file.
creator: RenKo
Topic starter Posted : 03/04/2022 7:50 pm
Topic starter Posted : 19/04/2023 10:00 pm