Custom Projectile Hitsound (for The Hive, etc.)
Hello there! Have you ever wanted to change the sound that play when you hit a person with a projectile in servers? Well, you should try this! This pack supports on servers/worlds that has the behavior of playing the random.orb "ding" sound when hitting someone with a projectile.
This pack's purpose is so you can change the sound effect that plays when you hit a person with a projectile, instead of playing the random.orb or known as "Ding"
There are 15 sound effects to choose from the resource pack, and those are:
-Anime "baka" sound effect (damn weeb)
-Boo womp spongebob sound effect
-Punch Sound Effect
-Taco Bell Sound Effect
-Vine Boom Sound Effect
-Fard Sound Effect
-Headshot Sound Effect
-Among Us Kill Sound Effect
-Ding Sound Effect (Not the Minecraft one)
-Ouch scream sound effect
-Critical Hit Sound Effect
-Bamboo Bonk Sound Effect
-Minecraft Old Damage Sound
-Roblox Oof Sound
-Bruh Sound Effect
There should be a "settings" icon when clicking on the activated resource pack.

NOTE: This only works on servers/worlds that has a behavior that makes it so it'll play the "random.orb" sound to the player that hitted someone else with a projectile(like snowballs, arrow, egg, etc.) just like the hive. if it doesn't have, then it will not work.
I can't make it work for your world without cheats since this is not possible for a resource pack and requires to add a behavior. To get it for your world, you'll have to use ambient's addon
Speaking of his addon, my resource pack should support and work when using it to your world.
Don't give the direct link or your own monetized link when you advertise this pack. Just use this link. Thank you
-TheBestPH / paulthebest