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Dash HUD / Hotbar
With Light and Dark Mode - This is an HUD retexture I made for myself. I completed it today and uploaded it for anyone to use. If you want to use or include this in your own pack, go ahead.Tested on: mobile Estimated file size: 63 kb Please comment if you encounter bugs or if there's something I should change.
Dash HUD (White):

sneaking toggled on:

hotbar item tooltip:

poison hearts:

wither hearts:

frozen hearts:

absorption hearts:

horse hearts:

hunger effect:

underwater air bubbles:

effect icon background is transparent:

Dash HUD (Black):

sneaking toggled on:

Is it good for PvP? I don't know, but I think it looks cool.
- If you're using a resource pack that retextures effect icons, copy or cut those icons into this pack's textures>ui folder. This is so that they don't get overriden by the vanilla icons included in this pack, which are there to fix the "[MCPE-65491] Effects Texture Corrupted" bug.
- I can't retexture the button to open the inventory because that would affect the menu buttons. It's green in some screenshots because of the default button's hover color.
To get an .mcpack version of this, rename and change its file extension from .zip to .mcpack
creator: SESeisai
Topic starter Posted : 06/03/2022 8:47 pm