Deepslate Texture Pack
Have you been active in the new snapshots of the 1.17 update and jealous of only Java players getting to explore the cave update? This resource pack imitates the dark depths of the new cave update (1.17 beta snapshots) with deepslates, a new layer of depth to caves beneath.
Upon installing the resource pack, you are given two options to choose from the subpack (the gear button). You can slide and choose to replace all stone and most of it’s relatives like andesite, gravel, diorite etc, to a variety of textures of the new deepslate blocks. These also replace the ores’ texture and replace it from stone to deepslate. And if you like the keep the default stone textures while having the new ore layout, you can choose the stone option.
The image above is the stone option while the image below is the deepslate version. The deepslate version replaces the andesite, diorite, granite and gravel into a lighter and darker shade of deepslate to match the caves of the deep. All ores with stone textures have been replaced with deepslate textures.
This is how the old caves look like with deepslate textures, a dark void of the unknown yet full of riches worth the effort. You can decorate your caves to match the cave update with this resource pack any way you like. Keep in mind that this is not accurate to how the real caves will look like in the cave update since this only replaces stone variants into a deepslate gradient.
Provided a more detailed description and minor adjustments to introduction.
Just press skip ad, block all incoming notifications and it will go to mediafire after a minute. Then press the file and import to minecraft.