Earth Texture Pack
Do you like the Minecraft Earth Skin so much that you want a whole pack themed all around it? Now you can! This pack changes the elytra, tools, books and more! It even works with packs that adds capes to the game, so if you do, you'll see the cape themed around Minecraft's most official Overworld skin!
Hello, and today I have changed some textures to match the look and feel of the Minecraft Earth Skin, such as the totem of undying, the elytra, some toll, books, and a cape if you have a cape pack. However, I'll be adding more textures in the future.
These textures are all from scratch, so keep that in mind when seeing this pack.
Totem Of Undying, which has been transformed to a view of the overworld with wings.

Elytra, which has the feel of the earth when you fly around.

This pack also supports cape texture packs, although you have to put this pack above the cape pack.

Some Diamond Tools and Horse Armor

Some Netherite Tools and Horse Armor


Hope you enjoyed! These were all made from scratch. If you want to use this pack for showing it off, then please credit me! If you want to use this in one of your packs, message me on Discord!
Changes :
Added Enchanted Golden Apple
Added Fishing Rods
Added Bows and Crossbows
Added Shears
Bug Fixes :
Updated Pack Icon
Updated Image
Improvements to existing items
Maybe Coming Soon :
Diamond and Netherite Armor
- Open the link.
- Press which format you want the pack to be.
- Press Download!