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MCPE/Bedrock Enchant Icon

Illustrious Member Admin

Enchant Icon


This resource pack adds icons and enchantment levels to each enchanted book, making it simple to identify what enchantment is applied. The Enchant Icon is a texture pack designed to make it easier to distinguish between enchanted books, which often look identical. 


Enchantment Icons

Each enchanted book now displays an icon representing the specific enchantment it holds.

Enchantment Levels


The enchantment level is clearly shown alongside the icon. Icons also appear in the hover text for quick reference.

Max Level Indicator

When an enchantment is at its maximum level, the level text turn yellow, making it easy to see the highest possible levels at a glance.

The same applies to tools. However, icons only appear on enchanted books.


Enchantment table






Note: Icons are not displayed on items in the hotbar or on floating items.



Level Display Options

You can switch the level display from the default Roman numerals to Arabic numerals through the settings.


  • Support for 8 languages in addition to English
  • Added setting to switch between Arabic and Roman numerals.


Supported languages

  • Deutsch
  • English (United States, United Kingdom)
  • Español (España, México)
  • Français (Canada, France)
  • Indonesia
  • Italiano
  • Português (Brasil, Portugal)
  • Русский
  • 中文 (简体, 繁體)
  • 日本語
  • 한국어

creator: cromite

Topic starter Posted : 26/06/2024 5:17 pm