Enhanced Boats
Enhanced Boats maintains the original Minecraft theme while improving the design of the boats, adding new models and variations to the game. Perfect for players who want better-looking boats without losing the classic Minecraft feel during their gameplay.
▪ This texture pack could cause lag on some devices, especially low-end ones. In worst cases, your minecraft might crash even before you enter the world.
▪ The pack includes the complete information of the pack on it with all the implementations info. Just click on "how to play" button and that's it.
Terms of Use:
▪ You can showcase this texture pack in any video as long as I RenKo am credited properly. Share the LINK TO THIS PAGE, not the direct link or any custom link.
▪ You are not allowed to use any of the textures, coding or modify this pack, except for personal use.
▪ You can't claim this pack as yours, steal the code for any addon or texture pack.
▪ You can't modify the pack for Public use, upload it on any third-party site.
Discord Server :
Please report any bugs, give suggestions or contact me on Discord: renkomc