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MCPE/Bedrock Fade PvP Texture Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Fade PvP Texture Pack


This PvP Pack is one of the best packs if you want the best pvp experience, with short swords, low fire, highlighted ores, and more! It uses a Fade Theme across the armors, swords, and even gui! Compatible with almost and if not all versions of Minecraft, and pc and mobile!

Made By: Mr. McYeetus




Preview of swords, armor, and more!

Preview of armor, elytra, and swords on character

Preview of hotbar. highlighted ores, animated fire and nether portal

Preview of realistic clouds

Preview of title screen


You can modify this pack however you want, but please credit!

Have fun!



-Added fade theme to elytra and turtle helmet

-Added realistic clouds

-Added animated textures for fire and nether portal

-Added fade theme for particles

-And more!



Mobile: Tap the download and it should automatically download for you, and once its downloaded open settings and apply the pack!

Pc: Download and drag to desktop, and once you click the pack it should automatically download, all you have to do next is apply it in settings!

creator: Mr.McYeetus



Topic starter Posted : 15/02/2021 12:35 pm