First Person Render: Version Alpha 1.0
First Person Render is a texture pack which renders or displays the player's body in first person and their respective animations.
This texture pack modifies the player files (resource pack) such as animation, model, render controller. As it is a package in Alpha version, it contains some errors and in the next version these errors will be corrected, remember this is a summer test.
In this version Alpha has several items and some blocks being rendered in first and second person, such as:
Bow and arrow
Food: raw and roasted steak, roasted and raw lamb, raw and roasted chicken, roasted and sky fish, bread, apple and more
Loop (contains error)
Refined ores (items)
Pearl of the end (contains error)
Boulder (block)
Earth (block)
Brick (block)
Swords (all variations)
Pick (all variations)
Shovel (all variations)
Ax (all variations)
Hoe (all variations)
Redstone torch and torch
Redstone powder
Luminous stone powder
Armor (contains error)
Snowball (contains error)
Flask of experience
And some more ...
Remember to tweet me about the package reporting errors, suggestions, your opinion and what you think of the package ... I hope you like it and have fun with Firsr Person Render 🙂
changed the text description from the Portuguese language to the English language.
sorry for the mistake, this is the first time i'm publishing content.