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Flappy Blocky Resource Pack
Flappy Blocky is a resource pack for Minecraft BE to improve your vanilla gameplay experience by changing player and mob animations, modifying some particles. It can work with your custom texture packs, character creator skins and capes. It should be noted that this pack does not contain any texture images, so some items will not glow, and this pack is only for optimizing the vanilla animations, so there are no idle animations. Anyway, enjoy it.
Player Animations:
First person:
- Attack animation
- Torch holding animation
- Bell holding animation
- Lantern holding animation
- Bow animation
- Crossbow animation
- Mace animation
- Swim animation
- Crawl animation
- Climb animation
Third person:
- Swim animation
- Crawl animation
- Climb animation
- Sneak animation
- Stand animation
- Walk animation
- Run animation
- Jump animation
- Land animation
- Sleep animation
- Glide animation
- Ride animation
- Fly animation
- Attack animation
- Torch holding animation
- Bell holding animation
- Lantern holding animation
- Spyglass holding animation
- Map holding animation
- Bow animation
- Crossbow animation
- Mace animation
- Brush animation

Mob Animations:
- Chicken animation
- Cow animation
- Pig animation
- Sheep animation
- Goat animation
- Mooshroom animation
- Rabbit animation
- Horse animation
- Mule animation
- Donkey animation
- Zombie horse animation
- Skeleton horse animation
- Llama animation
- Panda animation
- Polar bear animation
- Cat animation
- Ocelot animation
- Wolf animation
- Fox animation
- Cod animation
- Salmon animation
- Tropical fish animation
- Tadpole animation
- Squid animation
- Glow squid animation
- Bee animation
- Parrot animation
- Villager animation
- Old villager animation
- Wandering trader animation
- Iron golem animation
- Piglin animation
- Hoglin animation
- Zoglin animation
- Vindicator animation
- Witch animation
- Evoker animation
- Pillager animation
- Illager captian banner animation
- Ravager animation
- Zombie animation
- Husk animation
- Drowned animation
- Zombie villager animation
- Old zombie villager animation
- Zombified piglin animation
- Skeleton animation
- Wither skeleton animation
- Stray animation
- Bogged animation
- Creeper animation
- Shulker animation
- Ghast animation
- Enderman animation
- Ender dragon animation
- NPC animation

This resource pack has been making for more than half a year. There are many details that I cannot show one by one. Please experience it yourself.
Added the images and description in main page.
Update the file to fix a tiny bug.
- Download Flappy Blocky Resource Pack
- Open it by Minecraft.
- Settings > Global Resources > Apply the resource pack
- Enjoy It!
Topic starter Posted : 23/12/2024 9:37 pm