Do you think the Minecraft textures are repetitive? Worry no more! Flucky texture pack will give you Minecraft world a piece of randomness! Flucky adds isotropic properties to various blocks in Minecraft.
Flucky is compatible with all texture packs, but it may need to be placed higher in the texture pack hierarchy to function properly.
Random ice, packed ice, snow, snow layer, and blue ice orientation.
Random gravel, soul sand, and soul soil orientations.
Random Blackstone and varients orientation.
Random magma orientation.
Random dirt and stone orientation.
Random bedrock and endstone orientation.
Distribution rules
- Cannot be and should not be distributed by anyone except for McBedrock or coolabhi1290.github.io.
- Personal access grants full ability to iterate pack, but not redistribute
Made by CoolAbhi1290
creator: https://twitter.com/coolabhi1290
A lot of people hated V1, so I fixed everything!
- Removed man-made block orientations
- Added more naturally generated blocks
- Removed texture overriding
- Minified files