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MCPE/Bedrock Food Info: Extended

Illustrious Member Admin

Food Info: Extended

Wouldn't you like to know what you're putting in your mouth? well, stop tossing things down your pie hole and use this pack! Unlock the knowledge of what you're scarfing down like a rabid beast!


This resource pack enables you to see exactly how much your next meal will satisfy your belly while also showing what it'll do to you!

While holding food, you will see more extended information, like how much hunger is filled if you are it and what status effects will affect you.


This back comes with two modes:

  1. Icons: shows all icons
  2. Numbers: truncates the text to show multiples as numbers.

You can choose which to use when applying the pack.

In Icons mode, all information is in the name of foods, including every status effect.


In Numbers mode, you will see 1 hunger shank with a number showing how many it will fill and status effects will be hidden under a good/bad icon with a number showing how many are applied

Only exception is Suspicious Stew, which will show an "Unknown" icon due to the nature of the stew.



Fixed the Linkvertise links to be set to "articles only".

Topic starter Posted : 17/12/2020 3:02 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 09/03/2022 9:51 am