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MCPE/Bedrock FreeCam Stick

Illustrious Member Admin

FreeCam Stick


Have you ever wanted the Power to use Freecam without a Mod or Client?  Well this pack may be for you! With the power of a stick, sword or bow you can use freecam!



This is an animation that will give You an illusion of Freecam Silmply hold a Stick, Sword, or Bow that you have selected in the Settings of the pack and Hold it in third person and you will have freecam and don’t hold it if you don’t wanna have Freecam

Without Stick/Sword/Bow;

Player Will Face Camera in Third Person. FreeCam is Deactivated.

NOTE: This is Just an animation not real FreeCam

With Stick/Sword/Bow.

Player Will Go in The FreeCam Animation. and FreeCam is Now Activated!

NOTE: You Have to be in Third Person

all you have to do it hold the item you selected, From A Stone Sword, Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, a Bow Or a Stick, inside the Settings of the pack.

As far as I know this works on IOS and Xbox, I haven’t tested this on other platforms

Do Not Use this for your Texture pack, Addon, or Client without talking to me,

dm me on Discord if you are interested in using this for your pack – Chainsketch#4364



 My Youtube


Added video of the texture pack

Fixed problem with bow now working when it is pulled back sometimes



Topic starter Posted : 02/11/2020 3:04 pm