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MCPE/Bedrock Fused Vanilla Texture Pack - Beta Release v0.3

Illustrious Member Admin

Fused Vanilla Texture Pack - Beta Release v0.3

This texture pack adds more details, a bunch of variations, new models (optional), new textures which stay relatively close to vanilla and a bunch of other stuff. This is the beta release and will continuously receive small updates until its a complete texture pack.


Here are some pictures:

Without models: 

With models:

Models of Entities:

You can turn off the mob models by clicking the GEAR icon of the models pack.

Some more pictures:

Video Review:

(a bit outdated)

IMPORTANT Information:

About models:

•You need to separately download the models pack and put it ABOVE the texture pack when applied.

•The models of flowers are bugged,and they dont work in flower pots. However,  you can disable the bugged models by clicking the GEAR ICON after applying.

•You can also disable the mob models.

•The models pack DOES NOT work alone or with other Texture packs!

About Textures:

•The texture pack includes alot of other features and changes and I simply cant write and show them all here so you need to see those in-game by yourself.

•There are alot of Variants to many blocks , e.g tall grass has 15 Variants, each flower has 4 variants, oak leaves have variants with flowers, grass block has 8 variants with flowers, crops have 3 variants each and so on...

•The texture pack will work perfectly fine without the models pack.


•Credits to backto4myula for the texture of flowers, grasses and some other blocks! I do not own them.

•The models of the mobs have been used from Zauso Pack , which is no longer going to receive updates and there is currently NO OWNER of that pack. So credits to whoever made the entity models for that!

•Some textures were inspired from jerms texture pack and clean vanilla so credits to their respective creators for the concept!

Other stuff:

•The shader used in the screenshots is Fused Vanilla VDark, available on my page and youtube channel. 

•The texture pack is still in beta stage and will continuously receive small updates. There will be improvements, possible changes to textures, changes to models, new textures, models and features.


Terms of use!:

  • If you want to use this in a video then give the link to this page, not the direct link or any custom link.
  • You are not allowed to use any of the textures,code or modify this pack, except for personal use.
  • This pack only belongs here and you are not allowed to publish it on ANY other website without my permission.

If you dont follow, I WILL find you and sue you. 

Please report any bugs,give suggestions or contact me on my Youtube or Discord: Fused Bolt#9525.



v0.3.1, Bug fixes only: 

  • Fixed the inner opaque birch and oak leaves turning black.
  • Fixed potatoes, beet roots, carrots turning invisible when using the texture pack with the models pack.
  • Fixed other model pack's texture entries over writing the texture pack entries and messing stuff up. 

Credits to everyone who reported the bugs on my discord!


When you click on one of the links , you will be redirected to Linkvertise, scroll down then click on Free Access with Ads. You will be sent to another page then click on View Articles and wait for 10 seconds. Then click on X and click on Continue then you will be redirected to Mediafire from there download the pack and open it , it will automatically import to your mc. 

If you cannot pass through the link or need ANY help then feel free to contact me on discord. Fused Bolt#9525


Topic starter Posted : 15/03/2021 4:03 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 22/11/2021 11:34 pm