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MCPE/Bedrock Golem GigaChad

Illustrious Member Admin

Golem GigaChad


Hello, I'm OctavioRoyo, and today I bring you a very special texture pack, the GigaChad Golem, the best golem ever created, he will not defend the village better than anyone else, because he is a normal golem. But he has the skin of the great GigaChad. He has the face of him, the abs, the hair. The only thing missing is the nose, but I think that the nose is the most characteristic of a Golem, that's why I haven't removed it. If you want me to make more skins of GigaChad in other mobs tell me in the comments, and I'll be happy to do it.

The guide on how to install the addon is below.  

I hope you enjoy it.



And these have been the epic images of the GigaChad.




Installation description:

  1. Download textue pack
  2. When you open the file, Minecraft will open as well
  3. In the options to create a world, go to the resource packs section, then to available and activate.
  4. Once all this is done, you can enjoy your Golem GigaChad

creator: Octavio Royo

Topic starter Posted : 28/07/2022 2:38 pm