Have a Seat (Invisible Minecarts Texture Pack)
Minecraft is a beautiful game with all kinds of great features, but one thing many people notice it’s missing is… You can’t sit down. This texture pack makes minecarts invisible so that when you sit in them it looks like you’re sitting on the block under or behind you!
As mentioned above, minecarts will now be invisible. The minecart item is replaced by a red arrow pointing down (which is supposed to indicate that you can sit down). The only texture besides these two that changed as well is the activator rail texture, because I hardly ever use it and we need something to put the minecart on unless you summon it with commands, and we don’t want it to look like you’re sitting on rails, that’s just plain weird
After you choose where you want to sit, simply place an activator rail on the desired spot and an invisible minecart above it and you can sit on it, This even works for mobs!
The top link takes you to an adfly site where all you have to do is wait 5 seconds and click the yellow "Skip Ad" Button, you will then be taken to the mediafire page where you can download the texture pack. with the blue button you should see right when the page loads
The link at the bottom takes you directly to the mediafire download page
Enjoy! 🙂
creator: MrHappy