HD Paintings
Are you tired of seeing the Minecraft paintings and not seeing exactly what they are, well, this texture changes the resolution frames to see the paintings in HD, so you can see what exactly each frame represents, yes, remember that yes Minecraft barely works for you, this increases the use of resources, so if you use a very weak device I do not recommend it, even if it is quite optimized
Here are some images:

First click on the link that you have below. / Primero pulsa en enlace que tienes a continuacion.
Then click on free acess with ads. / Despues pulsa en free acess with ads.
Then click on discorver interesting articles, but don't click on any of them, just hit the cross and a counter will appear, hit it again when the counter reaches 0. / A continuacion pulsa en discorver interesant articles, pero no pulses en ninguno, unicamente dale a la cruz y aparecera un contador, vuelve a darle cuando el contador llegue a 0.
Click on continue and finally you will be redirected to a mediafire page, download it and that's it, import it and you will have it in your Minecraft. / Pulsa en continue y por ultimo se redirigira a una pagina mediafire, dele a descargar y listo, importelo y lo tendra en su Minecraft.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tomc6eqherXc1VQMsr8Nw