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MCPE/Bedrock Hidden Features | World Import/Export, Command Autocomplete, Screenshot Button and More

Illustrious Member Admin

Hidden Features | World Import/Export, Command Autocomplete, Screenshot Button and More

This is a resource pack that unlocks many features that were either locked for certain platforms or only available in realms. It adds World import and export button (useful for iOS and Android), Scrolling through your previous chat (useful for Android/iOS), command autocomplete, Structure Export button for unsupported platforms and screenshot button in pause menu, All of these features are very useful. You might want to check them out. If you have any suggestions or you want me to add something new, then you can comment down below.


World Import Button

The world import button is right beside your "Create New" button. This button is only available on windows by default but using this resource pack you can unlock it on all platforms. It can import .mcworld files from your external files. Once you click you will be sent to your file manager. Locate where you have saved your world and click on it to import your world. Now I haven't tested it for consoles so I don't know if it works in consoles. Please let me know if it works in your console.

World Export Button

This button is also only available for windows 10 by default but using this resource pack you can use it in your platform too. It can export your worlds from Minecraft to your anywhere in your file storage. This is very useful for players on Android who have their worlds stored in Application storage instead of External since you weren't able to get your world files to share with others normally.

How to use it?

  1. Click on the edit button beside the world you want to export.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the export button.
  3. It will take you to your file manager. Here you can rename your file and change the location where you want to save it.
  4. Click save, this will save your world world in .mcworld format.

Screenshot Button

This button is only available when you are in realms but now you can use it anywhere. Click on it to take screenshot of your world, server or realm. It hides your hand and gui and other unwanted stuff automatically while taking screenshot. This is why it is preferred to take screenshot using this button rather than using your default system screenshot.

Where to find your screenshots?

  • On Windows 10: C:\Users\(your pc username)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\Screenshots\...
  • On Android (make sure your file storage location is set to external): /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/Screenshots/...
  • On iOS: Apps/com.mojang.minecraftpe/Documents/games/com.mojang/Screenshots/...

Previous Chat Feature

This feature is only available on Windows 10 and consoles but now you can use it on Android/iOS too. You can resend your previously sent messages as shown in the animated GIF. This is useful when you want to use a command again and again. You don't have to type the commands each time.

Command Autocomplete

This feature is also only available on Windows 10 and consoles by default but now you can use it Android/iOS too. This will help you in autocompleting your commands. When you start typing a command, you will get many suggestions. You can use autocomplete buttons to selects any suggestion as shown in the animated GIF. This is surely going to save a lot of your time.

Structure Export

Structure Export button is only available on Windows 10 by default but now can be used in any platform using this feature. You can export your structures/builds from Minecraft to your files (.mcstructure file). This is very useful for addon creators who create their addons only using their phone. This is also useful when you want to copy your builds from one world to another. I will make a video on how to do that if this pack gets enough downloads. 

If you are going to make video about this pack then please don't forget to link this page. Do not give direct mediafire link.

Note: Enable the resource pack in Global Resources for it to work


Changed link to linkvertise since Chrome is giving warning when opening links.

creator: Darkmine

Topic starter Posted : 17/01/2022 2:24 pm