Homa RTX [Vanilla/Default RTX Texture Pack]
Vanilla based RTX texture pack allowing you to turn Ray tracing ON in your worlds!
Features Brighter nether, Glowing ores, Glowing Lapis/redstone Block, Overall more light sources like: honeycomb block, Honey block & more…
In theory this texture pack can give you a slight performance boost & stays Default
Light grey glazed terracotta is Mirror block.
Torches/Glowstone/Sea lantern/Lava Emit lots of light.
Screenshots of how it looks in game:
Glowing ores (Including nether ores) And crying obsidian.
Crimson forests, shroomlight.
Overworld, sea.
Soul sand valley, Lava.
Brighter Nether.
End portal.
“This texture packs main goal is being a Base for future releases of Many different packs, which must be used over this pack”
If you have any questions/suggestions let me know in comments.
Please Read Before Downloading:
- You are not allowed to report this texture pack on any other website.
- You are not allowed to share this texture pack with your own links.
- You are allowed to use it in your videos, But name what texture pack it is somewhere in the video, or leave a name of texture pack/link somewhere.
- You are allowed to modify anything for your personal use.
- You are not allowed to use this texture pack as a template.
- If any one steals anything from my pack I will understand.
If this texture pack made you happy or helped out, make me happy by downloading with Support creator link 😀
This texture pack will NOT work with Android/iOS devices or Consoles, Only Minecraft windows 10 Edition RTX BETA.
If you have trouble downloading with support creator link, Please watch this simple & quick (less than 20 sec) video:
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGYqehhCsrcEa4tfBrY934g?view_as=subscriber