Hover text fix
Hover text fix:
Texture to change the dimensions of the text on the hotbar It has 7 subpacks for your comfort and better adaptability for the user, perfect for reducing that annoying text


Place it in resource packs on top

Texture settings

1 "name" show only the name

2 "name + 1 descripcion" shows the name and 1 description if it has

3 "name + 2 descripcion" shows the name and 2 description if it has

4 "name + 3 descripcion" shows the name and 3 description if it has

5 "name + 4 descripcion" shows the name and 4 description if it has

6 "name + 5 descripcion" shows the name and 5 description if it has

7 "name + 6 description" shows the name and 6 description if it has
Change of dimensions to the quick access bar panel, change to the distribution of letters.
Updated for current versions.