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MCPE/Bedrock Improved Default Textures

Illustrious Member Admin

Improved Default Textures


Whenever you play Minecraft, do you feel like some of the textures just needed tweaking to make the experience better? This “Improved Default Textures” pack was created to make many of those textures better!


This is NOT AT ALL a complete texture over hall. This pack is used to make many block textures just that much better in order to improve builds and the overall experience!

One of the main purposes for created this pack was to remove the thick borders on the “smooth” or “polished” blocks. Other blocks like lapis, iron (picture not updated), GLASS, shroomlights, prismarine bricks, and redstone, have also had their borders removed too!

Even grass like blocks have had their textures updated too, where all 4 sides of the block look similar to the top (like optifine). (Unfortunately, do to grass textures being fully coded in, altering these textures will have to come in later)

There are also a few more altered block textures as well that have not been covered. Not only that, but many items have had their textures altered, and currently a few entities. The end sky has also been given a nice starry background to replace the old background.

Note: This texture was made on and for Windows 10 PC edition, but it should work on other platforms (not tested).

Note 2: The pack may not load in all the textures if it is not set as a global resource pack.

Note 3: If you want to edit this pack for your own personal use, the .zip pack has been included along with the ready to import .mcpack. I ask however, that you at least credit me if you decide to make your edited pack public.

Note 4: Also, feel free to give feedback on certain texture changes, texture ideas, and improvements in the comments of this page.

The pack has been given a proper pack icon (the updated iron block)
  • Iron Blocks have been given a slightly darker more metallic look (picture not currently updated)
  • Netherbrick, cracked netherbrick, and red netherbrick have had their textures updated by adding in slight brick variation
  • Sand and red sand have been retextured as a slight variation of the soul soil design
  • Cut sand and red sand stone textures have been updated to have a brick pattern
  • Ancient debris has been retextured to be more like a netherrack ore
  • Bedrock now has a darker, smoother texture
  • The .zip pack is now available to download
  • The older version(s) are still linked but only as a .mcpack

creator: IonicXHaze


Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2021 10:24 pm