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MCPE/Bedrock Improved Textures

Illustrious Member Admin

Improved Textures


Welcome to the Improved texture pack. This is the passion project I’ve always wanted to start. As time goes by I’ll update more and go into greater detail in my videos. Above all please enjoy and share the pack.


This is the biggest project I’ve taken on so far. It also is the funniest one I’ve done as of yet. All textures I deem unfit is subject to change.



From rounding out the boarder of glass and the tops of logs, too making spruce plank to be more Java-like nothing is safe. Added windows it most of the doors, and redone most trapdoors also.




Since I’ll never get a blue axolotl I’ve replaced the bucket with one. Made most of the armors to look similar to Netherite armor, and not to mention the cow totem. Pics don’t do it justice.



Ever wonder where endermen do when their out of sight. Well is bucket their in bucket, and if you hold an empty bucket you’ll see it too. Hope you enjoy the endermen in a bucket.


If you use this in a video or something just link this page please. Enjoy the pack.

Topic starter Posted : 25/07/2022 5:17 pm