java hitbox ( 1.20 )
I know a lot of people's want this pack already.. So yes introducing the "java hitbox" resource pack. achievement friendly, works on servers.
This resource pack bring hitbox into Minecraft bedrock/pocket edition.
but not exactly like java edition.
some things are changed cuz i have never seen java hitbox😅.
well this pack adds hitbox every possible entity in the Minecraft.
fireball, snowball, ender pearl, etc...
showcase video
but its in hindi because I'm Indian I don't know how to speak English 😶
Activate this resource pack from your global resource packs and click on gear ⚙️ icon on the Pack

There you will see 2 options/subpacks
First: default

It's default nothing less nothing over or more
Second: disable blue ray

ummmm.. selecting this option will turn off that blue ray👇

that blue ray guys.. look at sheep head
(sorry i can't go for highlight it my work will be lost;-;)
- players
- zombie
- creeper
- skeleton
- wandering trader
- drowned
- Zombiefied piglin
- piglin
- piglin brute
- armor stand
- stray
- husk
- vindicator
- pillager
- snow Golem
- blazenpc
- villager
- zombie villager
- evoker
- bee
- bat
- endermite
- enderman
- ender crystal
- tnt minecart
- chest Minecart
- command block minecart
- hopper minecart
- furnace minecart
- elder guardian
- guardian
- cow
- donkey
- cat
- cave spider
- Arrow
- egg
- dolphin
- dragon fireball
- fireball
- snowball
- llama
- trader llama
- ender eye
- ender pearl
- exp bottle
- exp orb
- potions
- ghast
- squid
- goat
- hoglin
- horse (5+ family)
- iron Golem
- zoglin
- silverfish
- wither skull
- chicken
- fox magma cube
- slime
- mooshroom cow
- ocelot
- parrot
- phantom
- pig
- polar bear
- Puffer fish
- ravager
- rabbit
- salmon
- sheep
- shulker
- shulker bullet
- strider
- tropical fish
- turtle
- vex
- witch
- wither skeleton
- wither
- wolf
- allay
- sniffer
- camel
- etc...

ahhhh and here is some old memories...

also the player have multiple hitbox sizes and colour
in these states players have different size hitbox. (test in your game:)
and if a player crouching/sneaking the hitbox will be red like this..

i don't know why i did this but u thought it will be fun ;-;
in this update i have added all the mobs/items except Ender dragon probably ill focus on it soon..
also modified texture and models ( atleast better than before) hehe..
Do the following steps
- Download the resource pack from download link
- Install in the Minecraft pe/be
- After go to global resource packs
- And activate entity's hitbox resource pack
- Then click on activate packs and entity's resource pack then click on gear icon
- And select the option which you want