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MCPE/Bedrock java hitbox ( 1.20 )

Illustrious Member Admin

java hitbox ( 1.20 )


I know a lot of people's want this pack already.. So yes introducing the "java hitbox"  resource pack. achievement friendly, works on servers.

This resource pack bring hitbox into Minecraft bedrock/pocket edition.

but not exactly like java edition.

some things are changed cuz i have never seen java hitbox😅.

well this pack adds hitbox every possible entity in the Minecraft. 




fireball, snowball, ender pearl, etc...

showcase video

but its in hindi because I'm Indian I don't know how to speak English 😶


Activate this resource pack from your global resource packs and click on gear ⚙️ icon on the Pack 

There you will see 2 options/subpacks

First: default

It's default nothing less nothing over or more

Second: disable blue ray

ummmm.. selecting this option will turn off that blue ray👇

that blue ray guys.. look at sheep head 

(sorry i can't go for highlight it my work will be lost;-;)


every added mob/item
  1. players
  2. zombie
  3. creeper
  4. skeleton
  5. wandering trader
  6. drowned
  7. Zombiefied piglin
  8. piglin
  9. piglin brute
  10. armor stand 
  11. stray
  12. husk
  13. vindicator
  14. pillager
  15. snow Golem
  16. blazenpc
  17. villager
  18. zombie villager
  19. evoker
  20. bee
  21. bat 
  22. endermite
  23. enderman
  24. ender crystal
  25. tnt minecart
  26. chest Minecart
  27. command block minecart
  28. hopper minecart
  29. furnace minecart
  30. elder guardian
  31. guardian
  32. cow 
  33. donkey
  34. cat
  35. cave spider
  36. Arrow
  37. egg
  38. dolphin 
  39. dragon fireball
  40. fireball
  41. snowball
  42. llama
  43. trader llama
  44. ender eye
  45. ender pearl
  46. exp bottle
  47. exp orb
  48. potions
  49. ghast
  50. squid
  51. goat
  52. hoglin
  53. horse (5+ family)
  54. iron Golem
  55. zoglin
  56. silverfish
  57. wither skull
  58. chicken
  59. fox magma cube 
  60. slime
  61. mooshroom cow
  62. ocelot
  63. parrot
  64. phantom
  65. pig
  66. polar bear
  67. Puffer fish
  68. ravager
  69. rabbit
  70. salmon
  71. sheep
  72. shulker
  73. shulker bullet
  74. strider
  75. tropical fish
  76. turtle
  77. vex
  78. witch
  79. wither skeleton
  80. wither
  81. wolf
  82. allay
  83. sniffer
  84. camel
  85. etc...
random screenshot



ahhhh and here is some old memories...

also the player have multiple hitbox sizes and colour 





in these states players have different size hitbox. (test in your game:)

and if a player crouching/sneaking the hitbox will be red like this..

i don't know why i did this but u thought it will be fun ;-;



in this update i have added all the mobs/items except Ender dragon probably ill focus on it soon.. 

also modified texture and models ( atleast better than before) hehe..



Do the following steps

  1. Download the resource pack from download link
  2. Install in the Minecraft pe/be 
  3. After go to global resource packs 
  4. And activate entity's hitbox resource pack
  5. Then click on activate packs and entity's resource pack then click on gear icon 
  6. And select the option which you want



Topic starter Posted : 27/02/2024 9:00 am