JaxOrSomething's Full Moon Pack
I am Jax, JaxOrSomething to be exact ever think that the moon phases look weird or just the full moon looked better? Well this does just that. Make sure to put this above any shader for it to work!

Okay, so this is what this pack does gets every moon phase texture and changes into a full moon.

Here's what it should look like after downloading, every night should have a full moon phase, if you found any bugs please join the discord server!
This 100% works, I have shown that my textures are trustworthy and working 100% this is a .mcpack, nothing else. If you don't believe me you can check it yourself.
● Added a image showing how it should look like after downloading
● Changed download link
● Added discord server in the description
How to put in game?
Open a file manager, I recommend the Xiaomi file manager.
I will give the instructions for that file manager only!
Search (Top Right Corner Magnifier Icon) ".mcpack",
Look for "JaxOrSomething's Full Moon Pack.mcpack",
Click and press "Docs",
Press show more and select Minecraft,
Wait for it to import and you are done!
creator: JaxOrSomething