Jehkoba's Fantasy Bedrock Edition
This is a personal project by Zack Simon (a.k.a. Jehkoba), influenced heavily by classic SNES JRPG's, tabletop roleplay, and Saturday morning cartoons. It offers an illustrated, painterly style that brings more vibrancy of colour and warmer tones than the original textures.
Jehkoba's Fantasy is a 16x medieval style texture pack full of wonderous feeling to your gameplay. Please do consider support the original creator here.
- Beautifully Crafted UIs

- Sceneries

This pack also includes Jehkoba's Golden Birch Leaves. To activate, go to Settings > Global Resources > Jehkoba's Fantasy > Gear icon > Drag the button to the left > Back to main menu > Restart and done (Do this again when switching back)

Original Version - *Jehkoba's Fantasy*
Shaders - ESBE 2G by Mcbe_Eringi
Maps - Stonehill Castle by Fall Studios (Thumbnail), Medieval Fantasy Inn by Luma (5th & 7th image)
It has finally arrived on this website!
Updated to 1.19.x
Added - Mangrove related textures
- Boats with Chests
- Raw Iron, Copper, and Gold Icons and Blocks
- Rooted Dirt, Mud, Packed Mud, and Mud Bricks
- Tadpole Bucket, Music Disks (Otherside, 5), and several other icons
- Glow Item Frame & Glow Lichen
- Reinforced Deepslate
- Sculk blocks
- Strider and Warden textures
- 2D Bell texture
Updated - Blue Orchid flower, better tone-matching to its native swampy habitat
- Grass and leaf colour maps
- Map icon flag colours
Fixed - Cocoa Pods (Third Stage) texture misalignment
Note: I have tested the pack on Android only, but not on iOS, Consoles, Windows 10, and any other platforms. Lemme know if ya found any bugs or errors by leaving a feedback/comment below and I might help ya solve it.