Legacy Water Color/Texture 0.3.5 (KuriSan_Fox) - Fixed Page (Again)
Would you like to see the old water again?
This resource pack, you can use old water textures and animations from both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition!
You can also change the underwater view distance to the previous one.
(Supported Languages: Japanese(日本語)/English).
WARNING: Page Screenshot has old(Reason: I Can't found good Screenshot terrain).
1. Old Java Edition Classic(古い Javaのクラシック版)
No Animations, normal view distance.(アニメーションがないのと、ふつうの描画距離。)
2.Old Java Edition 1.4 (Java版1.4)
WARN: It is cut in the middle due to the size of the water texture. It may be abolished in the future.(警告:ファイルのテクスチャサイズが原因でカットされます。今後廃止される可能性があります。)
1.4 Water color file: NostalgiaCraft ( https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/resource-packs/1229392-nostalgia-craft )
3.Java Edition 1.12.2(Java版1.12.2)
LWC's first water color.(LWCの最初の水の色。)
4.Legacy Console Edition 1.95 (旧コンソール版 1.95)
this like Java Edition.(Java版とほぼ同じです。)
5.Bedrock Edition 1.2.10(統合版 1.2.10) with Graphics
At the moment, the resource pack cannot reproduce the "color of water that seems to be reflected in the distance", but I think it looks good.(リソースパックでは「遠くの空の色が反射しているように見える水の色」を再現できませんが、見栄えはいい方だと思います
(I think it's a good one to see from a close distance, but it feels strange in the sea.(近くで見る分にはいいですが、海
6.Bedrock Edition 1.2.10 (統合版 1.2.10)without Graphics
It will not be optimized.(軽量化はされません)
7.Bedrock Edition 1.4.0 (統合版 1.4.0)
I left it because it may change in the future.(将来変更される可能性があるため、残しました。)
Bedrock 1.4.0 and above are compatible with all versions.
-The water color of 1.4 may be abolished in the future. Please don't contact me about any animation bugs.(1.4の水の色は将来的に廃止される可能性があります。水のアニメーションのバグについては連絡してこないでください。)
-What looks like a reflection of the sky color of 1.0.0 water color cannot be reproduced at this time. Please don't contact me about it.(1.0.0の水の色の空の色の反射しているように見える色は再現不可能です。それについては連絡してこないでください。)
-Please do not reprint the resource pack. It was reprinted without permission on McBedrock.(リソースパックを転載しないでください。McBedrockに無断転載されていました。)
-Please credit if use of resource pack images / codes.(リソースパックの画像/コードを使用する場合はクレジット記載をお願いします)
Please include this link if you want to use it for video / screenshot / server / client etc.(動画・スクショ・サーバー・クライアントなどで使用する場合はこののリンクを記載してください)
For personal use / use for screenshots such as Twitter, there is no problem even if there is no credit.(Twitterなどで使用するスクリーンショットの場合はクレジット記載しなくてもOKです)
Modifications for personal use are fine, but if you want to publish the modified resource pack, please list the credits and ask me for permission.(個人使用での改造は許可しますが、改造されたリソースパックを公開する際はクレジット記載と私に許可を求めてください)
Please refrain from reprinting without permission. :)(無断転載は行わないでください)
This resource pack may be unsupported in the future. I will update it whenever possible, but may stop producing resource packs abruptly. I have no plans to stop now, but I may announce it at that time.(このリソースパックは将来的にサポートされなくなる可能性があります。私は可能である限り更新しますが、突然リソースパックの制作をやめる可能性があります。今はやめる予定はありませんが、その時発表するかもしれません。)
This is a self-reprint by me.
My GitHub HomePage. Can download New Beta and Old versions! (Outdated)
My Accounts:
ookamigitsune(KuriSan_Fox's sub):Twitter
This update will not include any in-game changes. Sorry!
- Added -
> Added Screenshots.
> Changed Image.
If it looks like a site that is not Minecraft: Pocket Edition Download, please go to that site. You will not be able to download it.
★Do You want Zip version?★
I do not plan to release a zipped version; you can easily zip the mcpack and mcaddon extensions. For example, if the file name is "foxwolf.mcpack", rename it to "foxwolf.zip". You can then unzip it and put it in your resource pack folder for direct installation.
★install mcpack/mcaddon file★
Run the downloaded file directly. For example, if the downloaded files are "foxwolf.mcpack" and "foxwolf.mcaddon", please execute those files directly. Android users will probably be prompted to choose the application to run. In that case, select Minecraft.
creator: https://twitter.com/KuriSan_Fox#