Liquid's Custom Pack
This pack changes some textures to give you a better experience while playing on servers or just survival. With this pack, you can get an FPS boost, different crosshair, and custom textures (most textures stay the same).
This pack includes:
Short Swords
Short Tools
Cleaner Glass
Short Fire
Disables the Weak Attack Sound in-game (the sound when you swing the sword in the air)
Crosshair is changed to a circle
Cleaner Armor
Bow Indicator
Crossbow Indicator
Particle Disabler is included (Fully optional)
Full Grass Block Textures are also included
The Particle Disabler is provided and MADE by Ambient
Links to Particle + Flipbook Disabler (FPS Boost) Pack and Ambient:
YT link:
Full Grass Block Texture Pack is provided and MADE by Legendary Creeper
I want to clarify that the "Particle Disabler" and "Full Grass Block texture" packs were not created by me, I merely just put them together with some of my custom textures like the swords, tools, etc. I did in fact get all their permissions for using their packs.
If you want to customize this pack, please ask for permissions. You can contact me here: LiquidMan#7019
Overview of Short Tools and Swords:

Short Swords:

Cleaner Glass:

Short Fire:

Circle Crosshair:

Cleaner Armor:

Bow Indicator:

Crossbow Indicator:

Particle disabler (Ex: No Potion effects, in this case, no Strength effects):

Full Grass Blocks:

You have three settings to choose from:
You can access options of the pack here

No Particle + Flipbook textures (Max FPS)

No particles only


All of these settings only affect particles and flipbook textures and all custom textures like Swords and tools and armor will stay the same throughout the options
Hope you guys enjoy it!!
There are three links and the one that says "LiquidsPack.mcpack" is the one you want to download that has custom tools, swords, armor, etc. Just click on the LiquidsPack.mcpack and it will download.
The other two links are to the creators of the Particle Disabler and Full Grass Block packs.