MCC Crown Pack
Don't you just watch Minecraft Championships and see the winners wear the crowns and think, I wish I could wear it? Now you can using this pack! This pack changes the gold helmet textures to be the crown from Minecraft Championships!
Don't you just watch Minecraft Championships and see the winners wear the crowns and think, I wish I could wear it? Now you can using this pack! This pack changes the gold helmet textures to be the crown from Minecraft Championships.
Disclaimer :
This is a fanmade port from Minecraft Championships. All credit goes to Minecraft Championships.
When Wearing It :

Item Texture :

When swimming, flying, and using riptide:

I also changed the item name for the crown to be the MCC Crown :

Hope you enjoy! If you have any ideas to improve it, leave it in the comments!
Added credit for Minecraft Championships because this is a fanmade port.
Mediafire :
- Open the link.
- Press which format you want the pack to be.
- Press Download!