Medieval Fantasy Illagers! A Multi-variant Resource Pack for Illagers!
Medieval Fantasy Illagers! Hmmmm!
This pack completely remodels the illagers! Including the pillager, vindicator and evoker, it adds 6 variants to each one, for a total of 18 unique models with 3D features such as heavy/light armor, helmets with decoraciones/visor, even hair!
You can check the images below for some variations

You can't distribute this pack and/or claim it as yours! If you want to publish it on YouTube/other site ALWAYS link it here or my link in planetminecraft.
You can modify any of it's files for PERSONAL USE ONLY! Or else ask me 🙂
If you want to use it on your pack/mod/video/etc ask me and give me credits, it's all I ask!
This pack was INSPIRED by Valerii Kim's Legendary pack. Check it on planetminecraft for Java, or in the Bedrock Marketplace!
You shouldn't get any virus/unwanted download from my links!
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