Minecraft Overhauled 4.0 Release
Minecraft Overhauled is a texture pack that is based on improving the quality of the game, making it more pleasant to play and giving more variation and realism to your worlds.
Hello everyone, good to see you again after almost 2 month or 3 months without activity with my texture pack and finally I present the new Minecraft Overhauled update which improves A LOT OF textures (it should be clarified that some textures will change with the passing of time until reaching a particular texture which will be the final version), well without anything else to say let's start.
Hope you enjoy my texture pack :>
Any bugs they want to report. Inform me in my...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealSpider1843
Discord: TheRealSpidey#3380
Credits to:
-Ambient: Damage Heart Particles
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6DhG0JGXaE8HaijzyTbyIQ
-Bedrock Tweaks: Pixel Consistent Mobs, Breawing Guide, More Chat Options,, Quick Craft, Golden Crown, Unique Dyes, Improved Doors, Java Boom Particles, Dungeons Creeper and some parity changes, New Caves and Cliff Update Panorama, Pixel Consistent Signs.
Website: https://drav.techrock.org/bedrock-tweaks
-Tal Melamed: Some sides bottoms codes and textures
-AgentMindStorm: Some java sounds and models
-BrotherEarth967: Mysterious Merchant Texture
-PlanetMinecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/brotherearth967_-ve/
If you think I use all these things without asking for permission you are wrong as I have asked the original creators for permission to use their texture packs on mine. Here is the evidence.
Tal Melamed:
Bedrock Tweaks:
Terms of Use:
-You are allowed:
-Use this texture to play.
-Take photos.
-Share the download link.
-Make a video about the texture (giving me credits of course).
-It is prohibited:
-Use any file or texture from my texture pack for your texture packs (ask me first).
-Distribute this pack with or without modifications (except the link).
-Create other download links.
-Make money with this texture (except for the creator).
-Modify the texture (for personal use).
-Claim the texture as yours.
-Reclaim all codes as yours.
-If the texture is stolen, distributed or modified, I will have to take legal action in addition
certain codes and textures were created by Bedrock Tweaks, Clear Vanilla, Java Aspects and Custom Damage Particles so if it is stolen. That not only I will take actions but also its creators.
Thx for download my texture pack. 🙂
I cannot give much detail here. Because the changelog I have not updated and I also do not want to spend 2 hours writing everything I have done, therefore ... I will let you discover EVERYTHING that my texture pack now has!
And thanks to Mr. Brose for the new title for my texture pack!!!
To install the texture pack in your minecraft, all you have to do is run the .mcpack file and it will automatically be installed in the game
creator: https://twitter.com/RealSpider1843