Monster Indicator (Added Warden)
Can't see hostile mobs properly at night? Don't worry. I would like to present my resource pack called Monster Indicator. I made this pack to make some mobs visible in night also keeping the taste of vanilla Minecraft. It's not much heavy
At a glance
Name: Monster Indicator
Version: 1.0.9 | May 10, 2022
Creator: Rahee07
Required game version: 1.18.0 or above (Bedrock)
Size: 237 KB
What is this?
This is a resource pack for Bedrock edition of Minecraft which adds a glowing exclamation mark above hostile mobs. Which helps you to see them easily.
This pack is inspired by Glowing Eyes Texture Pack by Luuk67
I used ESBE_3G Shader by Mcbe_Eringi for some screenshots. Please note that third party shaders doesn't work on RenderDragon.
- Bee
- Blaze
- Cave Spider
- Creeper
- Dolphin
- Drowned
- Elder Guardian
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Goat
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Iron Golem
- Magma Cube
- Panda
- Phantom
- Piglin
- Piglin Brute
- Pillager
- Polar Bear
- Pufferfish
- Ravager
- Shulker Box
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Slime
- Spider
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Warden
- Witch
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Zombified Piglin
Planned changes
Add Pufferfish.- Add Wolf.
- Use material instead of entities.
- Fix Llama.
- Llama isn't working anymore with textures. Maybe it's because of RenderDragon.
- Everything else works fine on v1.18.31.
You can still use Llama with glowing symbol but without any carpet textures. Check this link.
- This pack now uses custom entity.material. Compatibility isn't guaranteed on all devices.
- Put the pack on top if you use any other texture packs.
- This pack may not work as expected with RTX enabled.
Contact me
Discord: Rahee#6879
Special thanks to:
- OutLandishlyCrafted (CyberAxe) for helping me to understand emissive textures.
- AmanGaming360 for suggesting a name for this pack.
Ontu for sending me PixelLab app link.- Tashid for testing my pack.
- Nicholas on Discord for helping me to fix material for Zombie Villager.
Safwan Sami from GKKS for sending me list of mobs.- JaxOrSomething for helping me to remove old images.
- You. For downloading my resource pack.
Thanks to developer(s) of:
Glowing Eyes Texture Pack aka Luuk67. I first got to know about emissive texture from his texture pack. And that's how this pack was created.
Cuter Vanilla Animals resource pack aka UnicornFury. She mentioned Blockbench in her article. That's where I got to know Blockbench first.
Acode, notepad++, Visual Studio Code
Pixly, Paint.NET
Sorry if my grammar is bad. Thanks for visiting this page. Have a great day!
v1.0.9 | May 10, 2022
- Removed Llama as it crashes the game (Check Extras to bring it back).
- Added Iron Golem destroy stages.
- Added Pufferfish.
- Added Warden.
- Simplified article.
Installation method varies by platform. So you better check Google for your platform.