Moss On All The Blocks
Have you ever thought about having moss on more blocks? Very few blocks have moss and with this texture you can enjoy putting moss on all the blocks you want, you can decorate the humid areas of Minecraft What is moss? Mosses (Division: Bryophytes) are small plants that lack vascular or woody tissue. They require an environment temporarily saturated with water to complete their life cycle (Delgadillo, 2003a). They are the second most important group within green plants. Mosses, bryophytes or bryophytes in the strict sense are non-vascular plants that present a life cycle with heterophasic and heteromorphic alternation of generations, in which the gametophyte develops gametangia, antheridia and archegonia. Mosses are found primarily in cool, moist areas, regardless of latitude. Mosses are common in jungle areas or areas with high rainfall and on the edges of watercourses. Mosses are also found in cracks between the stones that pave damp city streets.!!!new types of moss¡¡¡

Moss everywhere!
Mosses also do not produce flowers or seeds. Instead, they often develop small spore capsules at the apex that stand on long, thin stalks. The spores germinate to form plants that produce male and female gametes.