New Armor Stand v1.5 (20+ New Nametag Textures!)
Upgrade your boring skinny armor stand to a player model armor stand with a stripped oak log texture. This pack is based on Java Edition's "New Armor Stand" by moro2610 and was ported by me to Bedrock.
Sample Model:
In-game Screenshots:
New Version: V1.5 is now available!
New Features:
Wood Types
Oak Wood as the default texture. Get the following textures using a nametag named 'Acacia', 'Birch', 'Dark Oak', 'Jungle', 'Spruce', 'Crimson', and 'Warped'.
Ore Variants
These are the nametags for ore textures: 'Copper', 'Iron', 'Gold', 'Diamond', 'Lapis', 'Quartz', 'Gilded Netherite', and 'Netherite'.
Player Skins
Nametags: 'Steve', 'Alex', 'Dummy', and 'Notch'. Can be customized by changing the png file at the textures folder
Emissive Variants
Glows in the dark. Obtainable by using these following nametags: 'Crying Obsidian', 'Sea Lantern', 'Redstone', and 'Glowstone'
Nametags: 'Basalt', 'Dripstone', 'Purpur', 'Totem', and 'Obsidian'
NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the bedrock porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy and keeping the credits for the owner at the same time.
creator: Parzival_
V1.5 Update Log:
- +29 Variations ( Wood types, Ore, Skins, Emissive and Uncategorized )
- +Nametag Dependent Textures
- +Emissive Textures