[Official New Update!] A Bedrock Animation Pack for Minecraft Trailer Lovers
- Hello everyone!
- Today I announce to you that I have re animated basically almost every goddamn mob that is available in Bedrock Minecraft !
(yes I am that much of a no life) - Almost every mob will have ATLEAST 1 animation that is remade
- The main difference between the Original and Now is quite noticeable
(I really want to call this a Shader but no, its a resource pack and I cant deny it)
- Here is The Trailer i made for the Pack! :
- As you can see... yeah I did actually spent months animating the mobs in minecraft lol
- They all have individual idle animations, running/walking some even have premade attack and emotes animations
And if you don't trust me here is some gameplay for yall : (yes i know it is very intense)
Some mobs have really close to no change (like the axolotl), you know its because some have newer animations made by the modern mojang team so it isnt really ne- im just lazy ofcourse, yeah thats it.
So im gonna give you what i changed :
- Global : Falling
- Chicken : Idle, Moving
- Bee : Idle, After losing stinger, Moving
- Bat : Sleeping, Moving
- Blaze : General Animation
- Cat / Ocelot : Sprinting, Walking, Sneaking, Idle
- Axolotl : Smooth Out All of the animations some what
- Cave Spider / Spider : Moving, Idle
- Cod / Salmon / Tropical / Pufferfish / Dolphin / Guardian : Moving and Idle
- Cow / Mooshroom : Idle, Move
- Creeper : Idle, Blowing up, Move
- Donkey / Mule / Horses : Sprinting, Idle, Eating, Moving Tail
- Drowned / Zombie / ZPiglin / Husk : Moving, Idle, Swimming
- Enderman : Carrying, Idle, Moving, MAD
- Endermite / Silverfish : Smooth out general animation and more realistic blending in movements
- Evoker : Casting, Walking, Idle
- Fox : Idle, Sleep, Sit, Move, Jumping
- Ghast : Smooth out everything, adding in a bit more detail and more realistic blending movements
- Squid/Glow Squids : Moving
- Hoglin / ZHog : Idle, Moving, Attack
- Llama : Idle, Moving
- Panda : Sitting, Sleeping, Moving
- Pig : Moving, Idle
- Strider : Idle, Moving
- Sheep : Idle, Moving
- Skeleton / Stray / WitherS : Idle, Moving, Bow Animations
- Turtle : Moving, Idle
- Vex : Moving
- Villager / Witch : Idle, Moving
- Vindicator : Idle, Moving, Attack
- Wolf : Idle, Moving, Sitting, ANGRY
- Piglin / Brute : Looking at Gold, Idle, Moving, Crossbow Animations
- Pillager : Idle, Moving, Crossbow Animations
- Polar Bear : Idle, Moving
- Rabbit : Idle, Moving
- Ravager : Idle, Walking, Chasing, Attack (very proud of the attack :] )
- Iron Golem : Idle, Walking, Chasing, Attack
- Wither : Flying, Flying Idle
- Goat : Walk, Ram, Attack
- The Golem now has a menacing new walk!
- Sword
- Trident
- Bow
(I could do only these 3 for the reason of keeping my sanity)
- Mobs can now look vertically instead of only horizontal like before (why wasn't this a feature?)
- Improved on some villager and zombie walking animations
- Gliding now makes your character stretch the faster or slower you fly
- Various mob falling/jumping animation detaching themselves fixed
- Hoglin's attack animation is fixed
- The Pig will now no longer be separated from its body (finally)
- Installing this resource pack is like any, you can call this a SHADER if you want 😉
since ya know it it
Enhances the graphics somewhat
(also can someone please send me some gameplay footage i would love to make a trailer for this but my pc is poopoo)