Ore Outlines Plus
This resource pack makes Ore blocks more easy to see. Compared to normal outlines, this pack has more than one option:
Normal: Classic outlines
Animated: Outline with sweeping effect
Block: Replaces the ore with its suitable block form. Ex. Iron Ore replaced with the iron block texture.
Note: This pack is not This pack does not actually replace the block, it just replaces the texture
Included textures:
Iron Ore
Gold Ore
Redstone Ore
Lapis Ore
Diamond Ore
Coal Ore
Copper Ore
Deepslate Iron Ore
Deepslate Gold Ore
Deepslate Redstone Ore
Deepslate Lapis Ore
Deepslate Diamond Ore
Deepslate Coal Ore
Deepslate Copper Ore
Nether Gold Ore
Gilded Blackstone
Ancient Debris

Updated listing: Re - wrote the description.
Thank you Moderators for actually letting me use my pack image.
Installation Instructions:
- Double-click the pack if you are on a computer, or open according to your device to import it into Minecraft. If import fails leave a comment saying what happened and I will try to help.
- Go into the settings for your world or main menu settings
- If in the main menu click "global resources" and if in world settings click "resource packs"
- Click on the pack and click activate
- Use the settings icon to select the mode for the pack
creator: Lioncat6