Outline Xray By ZEFF (1.14.x - 1.18.x)
Are you comfortable playing with an xray where you can't see the blocks? Not? Now you can play with xray comfortably and without the need to turn it off. This xray will help you not only find ore, but also give you the ability to navigate the area.

What is the main difference between this ixrey and all its brothers?
This xray does not remove blocks, but makes them only half transparent, creating a void in their texture through which you can look through walls.

In addition, this xray will help you identify blocks by their stroke. By itself, sparks weigh very little, and can be used in survival without the need to turn off.

Xray works the same way in the hell dimension. It will not be difficult for you to find the ore that you have been looking for so long.

Perhaps you might have a question, why does the ore have a non-standard geometry?

The answer is simple: Required blocks are not displayed on the screen, except chorus flower geometry.

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA93m3nX_m75VJZJLBqCwA
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