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MCPE/Bedrock Overlord PvP Texture Pack [16x]

Illustrious Member Admin

Overlord PvP Texture Pack [16x]

MrMcYeetus Here! If you've ever wanted a PvP pack with alluring details and a fancy style, look no further! This pack uses a rich cyan color paired with a shiny gold theme on the toggleable regular/slanted swords, bow indicators, low fire, highlighted ores and more! I hope this pack will give you an ultimate PvP experience and of course, Have Fun!


Preview of the many items, armors, and features in this pack:

You are allowed to edit/modify this pack, but please credit!

Have Fun!


PC: Download and drag to desktop, and once you click the pack it should automatically download, all you have to do next is apply it in settings!

creator: Mr.McYeetus

Topic starter Posted : 17/06/2021 10:23 am