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Painted Pottery | Bedrock Port
Painted Pottery
By Lasercraft32
Ported by Unthink0 Studio
I know this has been done before, but I wanted to try my hand at it...This resource pack is simple. All it does is give each Pottery Sherd its own color!

This pack changes the basic pottery and pottery sherds into painted ones which look way better!



The owner of the pack has given Unthink0 Studios credit to make a bedrock port of this pack.

NOTE: We, the Bedrock Porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy while keeping the credits for the owner at the same time. This pack has had prior permission to be ported.
- Showcase the Texture Pack in videos with proper credit to us, Untink0 Studios
-Modify the Texture Pack for personal use ONLY.
-Share the Texture pack using this link only.
Claim the Texture Pack as your own.
Modify the Texture Pack for public use.
Upload the Texture Pack on any third-party website.
Showcase or use the Texture Pack without providing proper credits.
Use Mediafire or direct links for downloading the pack.
Legal actions will be pursued against those who fail to comply with these terms of use.
Just launched this pack! Come back if there are any changes!
1. Download The Texture Pack
2. Follow the tips to get the Texture Pack
- On Lootlabs
- Complete the actions and wait for 10 - 20 seconds then close
- Press "Continue"
- You've been directed to the download site and press download
3. Open the RP in Minecraft
4. Your Done, Enjoy!
ported by - Unthink0 Studio
Topic starter Posted : 05/08/2024 5:33 pm