Panorama Switcher
Panorama Switcher is a resource pack made for those interested in revisiting the older panoramas of Minecraft Bedrock, and even of other versions of Minecraft. I've done my absolute best to gather every panorama which was available in Bedrock, and now I've decided to share it with all of you!
The panoramas of the base PanoramaSwitcher, usable without any additional packs

Console Edition Panoramas
Panoramas for console edition are finally here, which requires Console Aspects or Project 4JD UI.

creator: Kee7702
Added instructions on how to use in-game in the Installation description section.
Introducing PanoramaSwitcherCE, a panorama switcher for Console Edition panoramas, which requires Console Aspects or Project 4JD UI.
To select panoramas in-game, press the gear icon and drag the slider. PanoramaSwitcher is a subpack.