Particle Disabler
This resource pack was designed to remove all particles and increase your FPS. Additionally, there is a secondary option that just removes unnecessary particles. The difference between this pack and the other particle disabler packs is that this pack is customized for the users.
This resource pack has 2 sub packs:
1: No particles - disables all particles.

2: Just necessary particles - disables all particles minus the fishing particles, animal grow particles, etc...

Discord: Valério_#0056 - contact me in case of any bug or what I should add.
New featured image and installation description because I forgot to.
To install you can download the .mcpack or .zip file.
If you download the .mcpack file, you just double click it and it automatically imports to Minecraft.
If you download the .zip file, you change the .zip to .mcpack and just do as pack normally as a .mcpack file.