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MCPE/Bedrock Projectile Trail Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Projectile Trail Pack


The Projectile Trail Pack for Bedrock Edition is here! This was meant to replicate Hypixel’s projectile trail feature in skywars. This modification adds a particle trail to items that are throwable. This includes the fishing rod, snowball, egg, splash potion, and arrow. The particles comes in red, orange, yellow, lime, green, aqua, blue, purple, pink, black, white, and chroma ofcourse. 😊




The snowball, egg, splash potion, fishing rod, ender pearl, and arrow all emit a particle trail.


A preview of the red trail with the egg.


A preview of the yellow trail with the snowball.

Reference: Xlynxx

Preview of the fishing rod with the green trail.

Reference: Ambient

Preview of the arrow with the blue trail.

They are more colors in the pack. I just chose the main ones for a showcase.

My Channel

If you want to showcase or review this pack for your video, please make sure to give full credits and only put the original McBedrock link. 


-fixed in new update 1.16.200

-2 new colors

-reduced lag spikes


creator: PolrFlare


Topic starter Posted : 28/12/2020 1:37 pm